Missing Your Mates During Lockdown?

These clever Labour Party members and councillors have found the ultimate loophole.

First, we have to say well done. We have to assume that this is a continuing programme and was not a one-off publicity stunt.

Under Covid legislation you may leave your house for volunteering activities such as setting up your own 'food bank'. Then with your closest comrades you have the perfect opportunity to catch up on the latest gossip from within the Newham People's Alliance.


They are led by suspended Labour member Mehmood Mirza, "The Enforcer" Obaid Khan and his wife, Councillor Moniba Khan.

The added bonus for these courageous comrades is that, embarrassingly, someone keeps taking candid photos of them all hard at work. We're sure these camera-shy campaigners aren't encouraging people to take photographs and promote their charitable acts, but the team certainly gets a lot of credit for their work on social media and on WhatsApp.


Now, Open Newham doesn't want to be the fun police, but perhaps the safety and infection control in the shop they're using isn't quite what it should be...


Covid rules don't apply to me. 

(Mr Mirza has been in touch to say that he has nothing to do with NPA, nor does it seem that he wants anything to do with them. Just so that’s clear.)


Watch Out Kier!


Bringing Tower Hamlets’ Politics to Newham