Watch Out Kier!

According to leaked reports, the West Ham CLP fears that it will be put into special measures, i.e. suspended.

It seems that the General Committee held on Thursday 28 January 2021 saw fit to discuss a motion. Interestingly it was one which had been ruled out of order at a previous meeting, but this time the Chair, Carel Buxton, insisted on taking the motion to a vote. 

It is something we have come to expect, as the Labour Party nationally moves towards sanity, the local Newham parties drive headlong into the Twilight Zone.

This motion, “No confidence in the Labour leadership” was supported by the General Committee members, roughly 60% to 40%.

It gives one pause for thought. During the course of the next year, the Labour Party will be choosing candidates to stand in the local elections. Will these be candidates from the sane, but admittedly boring, party of Kier Starmer or will they be the place-men, sorry, place-persons of the lunatic fringe.

We cannot predict, but the current Facebook postings do not bode well for the leadership.

Welcome to the People’s Front of Judea. Get on quick, before it splits.


Oh dear… it seems that there will continue to be problems until the national leadership understands that they ought to be taking their instructions from Newham Momentum!

There was of course the launch of Corbyn’s new ‘Not-a-Party’. 


This was  not enough for some members who share their recipe for the creation of a new party under Jeremy Corbyn address an open letter to the:

Comrades of the Socialist Labour Left

Comrades of the Centre to Hard Left… If you are anything Left, then you are included. If, perchance, you are not, then your true place is with ‘Starmer the Harmer’ and his Israelite-Neoliberalite Faction of the Right. The Westminster Gravy Train Travellers, of the Parliamentary Parasite Paradise.


Is there what appears to be just the merest hint of antisemitism in this post? Surely not after all the recent trouble they have had.


Then, we have posts in praise of the ex-Labour, ex-Respect, ex- Alliance-4-Unity and currently mouthpiece on the Kremlin’s latest propaganda channel, one George Galloway.


Then there were Jeremy Corbyn MP and former Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbot MP. Nothing wrong in that, save that they were on a line up for the Morning Star.


The Morning Star is back again


And then of course there is the promotion of The Wobblies for all aspiring anarcho-syndicalists .


And solidarity with the SWP.


There were of course many other posts, not all by any means supportive. Many pushing personal interests of the poster. But it must be a little bizarre that members and supporters of one party spend so much of their time and effort in praise and support of other parties, many of which have stood against Labour and all of which seem to be antithetical to the aims of a social democratic party. Unless of course, many of those members don’t actually support the principles of social democracy.


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