What are the Comrades Thinking?

We occasionally visit the Facebook pages of some of the Newham comrades. This week we have taken a look at the pages of the (unofficial) Newham Labour site.

Aided by something of an own goal from Liz Truss and her new chancellor, the Labour Party sprang into a serious lead, putting plenty of space between Labour and the Tories. You might think that that would make Sir Keir quite popular amongst the members. Apparently not.

Comparing Starmer to Oswald Mosely does sound to be a bit OTT, even in the emotion laden discourse of Labour’s Left. 

We have covered elsewhere the internecine warfare in Ilford South, where that really very nice fellow, Sam Tarry, who never dun nuffink wrong is under pressure from a genuine local candidate with widespread support. But Sam is one of the ‘chosen’, those for whom it is heresy to challenge.

But then, the comrades are steering clear of the liberal mainstream media. Instead, we have the truth delivered by an organ with impeccable credentials.

Whilst some members of the Labour Party are beginning to think what it might be like to become a party of government, (after 12 years out of office), such mundane things as a programme for government are eschewed by the comrades. The time is coming to organise for the revolution, brothers! And sisters! And, just what is the correct familial plural noun for all of our trans comrades? And themsters?!

Some interesting names from the past resurfacing when discussing what is Momentum for? Is it now just a reformist clique?

Of course, it is not just the Leader of the Labour Party who is out of favour. We see in the post below that it is the whole edifice that has to go; bi-cameral democracy, the monarchy, the security services. Under this branch of the Labour Left we can look forward to government by the central committee; a general secretary for life; a cheka to replace the special branch. 

They don’t mention the judges, perhaps they don’t want to tread on the Tories’ feet in the rush to condemn anyone or anything that stands in the way of the “people’s will”. We have seen just how well that worked in the Soviet Union, in China, in Cuba etc. etc. Comrade Lenin couldn’t have put it better. We might call them call them checks and balances, but anything that impedes the “will of the people”, read “Party”, needs to be eradicated. We can’t understand why people aren’t queuing up for this.

You will see below how Mick Lynch sold out to the establishment by suspended strike action during the mourning period. Clearly, Lynch is now a reformist lacky.

So, in the year when Labour Conference, (awkwardly) sang the national anthem we had this post. 

That’s not to say that they hate everybody. Some old stalwarts remain ever popular.

And of course, some of the old problems keep popping up.

We include the following excerpt, to facilitate the development of the political education of our readers.

It’s a good job that we’ve established that the Left are definitely not, in any shape or form, in any way antisemitic. It seems that they just don’t like (Fascist/Racist/Nazi) Israel. And it seems, they aint too fond of Jews, not even those with impeccable lefty credentials.


A Fresh Start for Ilford South


Who’s Been a Naughty Boy?