“Beloved Comrades and Friends….”
It seems that even death does not diminish the depths of bile between some of the Newham “comrades”.
The Newham Ouroboros
Having brought together an unwholesome alliance of the aggrieved, of homophobes, of anti-Semites, racists and Trotskyists in order to oust Wales, the Newham Labour Party is increasingly intent devouring its own members.
Communitarian Politics on the Rise in Newham.
The communitarian agenda of an Islamist faction in the Labour Party was clearly shown in Tower Hamlets. This issue in The Standard and this one from The Telegraph give a bit of the picture of the debacle that saw Lutfur Rahman removed from office by the courts for corrupt practices. It hasn’t ended as this article in The Guardian illustrates.
The (Homophobic) Party of the People?
Gay councillor, Dr Rohit Dasgupta (he’s the one on the right) was previously the LBGT representative for West Ham CLP. In 2019 he faced a challenge. Unusually, it seems that the challenger was a straight man. And he won.
Antisemitism in the Party of the People?
Two years ago local Labour stalwarts were rocked by the resignation of Cllr Josh Garfield from local Momentum. It was much covered in the press.
Toxic and Routine Antisemitism
‘Toxic’ and ‘Routine Antisemitism’ riddles Newham Momentum and Newham Labour