Candidates Lining Up to Replace Fiaz

Several names have been suggested as potential replacements for Mayor Fiaz. Whatever happens, it seems that the smart money is on Fiaz being given the Spanish Archer before the next election.

First to dip his toe tentatively into the water is former councillor, Forhad Hussain.  Hussain was a cabinet member under Wales. This was despite his having previously been a member of Galloway’s Respect Party. He is relatively young, an engineer and regarded as brighter than most of his council colleagues. This is not the first time he has given consideration to the elevated post. 

In the last days of the Wales regime, backed by the eminence grise of the party, Ken Clark, Hussain was actively seeking support for a run at the mayoral candidacy. In the end, he bottled out and left the field open to Fiaz. But now, with Fiaz’s reputation at an all-time low, word is that he is considering his chances again.

He’s been out and about in the community and his wife has been adopting a noticeably more conservative attire, observers suggest that this is in an attempt to cement his appeal amongst the more conservatively religious members of the community.

Second amongst the names floated is that of Cllr Shaban Mohammed. If Hussain is bright, Mohammed is not weighed down by any such encumbrance. His greatest asset, it appears, is to do what he is told by Fiaz. Those that know him suggest that is never troubled by an original thought, indeed he seems to struggle to master his brief or to read out a speech, written for him by officers.

It may be that he suffers from a degree of insecurity concerning his intellectual abilities. This may account for his claim to have been awarded a BSc in Business Decision Management, a degree which researchers were unable to find on offer at any British university. Maybe, if he could put some letters behind his name, he might sound more intelligent than he really is.

However, as we have noted before, lack of ability should not be equated with a lack of ambition and Cllr Mohammed has been seen visiting various mosques, it appears with the intention of drumming up support.

It seems that the support he offers to Fiaz is rather like the support Lenin referred to, “as a rope supports a hanging man”.

You’d think she’d replace him, but who with?

There is still plenty of time for people to join the race and for people to drop out, but we thought that this is an interesting sign of the times.


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