Mayor seeks to Distance Herself from the Far Left. Again.


Having served their purpose and now that the winds of change are clearly blowing in a different direction, Mayor Fiaz has had to extract herself from yet another faux pas where she is linked to the far-left. 

Hot on the heels of the Stand Up to Racism debacle, Mayor Fiaz was invited to speak alongside a long list of the Far-Left luminaries at The World Transformed.

It appeared that she had accepted. But we were later to discover that there had been a ‘miscommunication’.

Was it because she answered ‘NO’ and they heard ‘YES’? Typical of Men!

Or did she say ‘YES’ but then decide that the embarrassment of being caught alongside a bunch of lefties, when she needed the support of the Right on the NEC, meant that she had to say ‘NO’, albeit retroactively.

We don’t know. We’re just guessing. But there has to be some reason she is trying to distance herself from her recent Corbynite past so completely.


Redundancies at the Town Hall?


Housing Investment: Talking the Talk, but not Walking the Walk