Redundancies at the Town Hall?

We hear that the knives are being sharpened at the Town Hall. It may be the mayor’s financial incompetence which has brought them to this point, but it will be the staff at Newham Council who pay the price.


We understand that there will be redundancies across the board, probably voluntary in the first instance, but then?

We are awaiting the details. So, we suspect are the trade unions who didn’t expect their members to be shafted by one who campaigned as a Corbynite friend of the workers.

It has taken three years to go from a balanced budget with reserves of £54m to a council which is broke, (despite whacking up council tax, parking fees and any other charge they can manage). It’s like going back to the 1980s, supposedly left-wing Labour councils balancing the books by getting rid of the workers.


Protests at The Old Town Hall


Mayor seeks to Distance Herself from the Far Left. Again.