Newham Borough has been Branded “One of the Filthiest in the UK”


Not a great achievement. Three years in office and Newham is branded one of the filthiest boroughs in the country.

MyLondon has exposed what residents have become acutely aware of. The state of the streets has become poorer; litter and fly tipping have escalated under Mayor Fiaz’s reign. 

Open Newham did look at this issue some months ago and examined how Mayor Fiaz was spending more with less result than the Wales administration.

An interesting question. How is it that under Wales, the state of the streets and residents’ satisfaction levels continued to improve, whilst under Fiaz, there is increasing disquiet and she struggles to balance the books?

As an aside, Newham remains the poorest for recycling in London.


The comrades of Newham Labour on Facebook have, to do them justice, constantly raised the issue of fly-tipping as a concern. Nothing has changed but they have been dogged in their determination to keep the state of the streets in the public eye.


It is Time for Change, Mayor Fiaz. It is time to give up on your vanity projects and fix the things that affect ordinary people.


This is the Winter of Her Discontent


Save Newham City Farm