Save Newham City Farm


Nearly 40,000 people have signed the petition to save the City Farm and they are on course to reach 50,000 signatures.

Mayor Fiaz and Cllr Asser have chosen to CUT the City Farm as they try to balance the books. Several serious concerns have surfaced in the light of the decision.

The first is whether the decision was legal. The council has a contract with Community Links and it is not at all evident that the council has complied with the terms of the contract in its decision to cut the programme.

Additionally, residents are aware of rumours, and we can’t ascertain whether it is more than rumours at this stage, that animals on the farm will have to be put-down if alternative homes are not found before the farm is closed. Somehow, we can’t see Messers Asser and Fiaz taking a photo-opp with a dead donkey before the next election.

The trouble is, parents and children will remember. And the election is not that far away.

There is a list of broken promises and a legacy of cuts that Mayor Fiaz is taking to the next election.

Cutting the City Farm (and killing off the animals?)

Record Rises in Council Tax

A new Parking Tax

Broken promises on parking for shoppers in Green St and High St North

The debacle on Free School Meals

Failure to deliver on Social Housing promises

Etc, etc.


Newham Borough has been Branded “One of the Filthiest in the UK”


Ann Easter