Struggle Sessions Planned for Labour Group?

This story just keeps on going.

On 2nd March the Telegraph reported the Keeling incident at the council meeting.

According to the report, Mayor Fiaz was so moved by the inability of her colleagues to refer to an individual in the plural that she has determined that the members of her Labour Group are in need of training. The Labour Group, it seems, will need instruction on how to express themselves in Newspeak.

Fiaz seems to have a willing disciple in Cllr Vaughan who expressed his desire to undergo “training”. Understandably, he wishes to avoid repeating the embarrassment on the meeting of the 27th. In the best traditions of Marxism/Leninism, Vaughan seems to have embraced political self-criticism. Signs of things to come?

It is not yet known what the views of the rest of the Labour Group are.

There does seem to be more than the merest hint that these training sessions will turn into struggle sessions of the kind much loved by Mao’s Red Guard.

So, will attendance at these struggle sessions be voluntary or will it be mandatory for Labour Councillors and those aspiring to become candidates in the future?

How long before the mosques have a conversation with the sizable number of Muslim councillors, suggesting that they disassociate themselves from this nonsense? Or before those of other religious persuasions baulk at the move towards thought control? 

Will there be, we wonder, a conscience clause, that would be available to those of various religious positions who are unhappy with the way in which Labour is tying itself in knots, and for those who simply associate women with female?

Below we reproduce the motion that was agreed unanimously in January. This motion it seems is a way in which the lives of the people of the borough of Newham will be improved. As is the nature of these motions, harmless sounding rhetoric and liberal aspiration is used as a cover for some complete nonsense, but apparently not enough to cause any of the Labour Group to object.

We don’t know if this means they are all convenient converts, (but look at how fast Labour MSPs backtracked when they were exposed for supporting the sending of a trans (M to F) rapist to a women’s prison); or, if it means that they are spineless and unable to stand up for what they really believe.

Motion 3 – Supporting the Transgender Community 

Proposer: Cllr Nate Higgins Seconder: Cllr Danny Keeling 

This Council states that: Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Non-binary people are non-binary. We believe in the dignity of all people, and their right to respect and equality of opportunity. We value the strength that comes with difference and the positive contribution diversity brings to our community. Our aspiration is for Newham to be a safe, welcoming, and inclusive borough for everyone, no matter their gender identity. 

This Council notes: 

1. The concerning rise in transphobia in the UK, from individuals, politicians and the media, as well as the increasing severity of the threats faced by the trans community. 

2. That transgender and non-binary people may require specific support to access services without facing discrimination. All council services must be equipped to welcome and provide appropriate service and good customer care to suit transgender and non-binary people. 

3. That there are transgender and non-binary people in Newham of all ages, and that the need for better understanding and acceptance of what it means to be transgender or non-binary is an intergenerational issue. 

4. The vital work done by groups in Newham to support local trans and non-binary people, as well as the wider LGBTQIA+ community. These groups include East Village LGBT Community Group, Forest Gayte Pride, Queer Newham, Queeros East, and others. 

5. That despite many positive initiatives there is always more to do to ensure we are a genuinely supportive, inclusive and welcoming city. The council will seek to better support transgender and non-binary people to live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. 

6. That transgender and non-binary people may face intersecting struggles due to factors like their race, religion, socio-economic background, gender or sexuality. 

7. That the London Borough of Newham made history as the first London borough to fly the Progress rainbow flag to mark LGBT History Month, in February 2019. 8. That the trans flag was flown by London Borough of Newham for Trans Day of Remembrance in November 2020. 

9. That the Intersex Inclusive Pride Progress was flown for LGBT+ history month in February 2022. 

10.That in May 2022, the first openly non-binary councillor in Newham Cllr Keeling was elected to represent Stratford Olympic Park. 

This Council further notes that in May 2022, Barts Health NHS Trust as part of LGBTQ+ Staff Networks in North East London published a statement for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia, saying (among other things) that: 

1. Research by Stonewall and TransActual shows that the trans and non-binary community experience inequality and high levels of discrimination across all areas of life, including within the workplace. 

2. The media and prominent voices on social media often sensationalise and misrepresent the conversation on gender identity. This has led to hostility towards the trans and non-binary community, and a prominent rise in transphobic hate crime. 

This Council therefore resolves to: 

1. To state publicly that trans rights are human rights and affirm the legal rights of all protected groups under the 2010 equality act. 

2. To work with LGBTQIA+ groups and people to strongly encourage training for councillors and council staff to raise awareness of the difficulties transgender and non-binary people face and of the support councillors could offer to this community. 

3. To request that the Mayor agrees to publicly acknowledge International Trans Day of Visibility (March 31st), in addition to Trans Day of Remembrance (November 20th) and fly the transgender flag on those days. 

4. To fly the Intersex Inclusive Pride Progress at Pride and during LGBT+ history month. 

5. To request a review of all forms and documents created by the Council with a view to ensuring they are trans and non-binary inclusive where possible. 

6. To encourage council staff and councillors to make small gestures that make it clear transgender and non-binary people are welcome. This could include adding pronouns to email signatures. 

7. To ask the Mayor and the cabinet to work towards ensuring the provision of gender neutral toilets in all Council buildings. 

8. To consider the particular needs of transgender and non-binary people who are at high risk of facing homelessness when implementing the council’s existing homelessness and rough sleeping strategy. 

9. To work with partner organisations to ensure transgender and non-binary people are not discriminated against whilst accessing homelessness services. 

10.To ask the London Borough of Newham Health & Social Care Commission to consider the barriers which transgender and non-binary people face when accessing medical care and to find ways of reducing them. 

11.To review with a view to improving signposting to support services for transgender and non-binary people within Council communications, including a dedicated page on the Council's website. 

12.To provide a gender-neutral option such as Mx on all council forms. 

13.To ask the Interim Chief Executive to ensure all staff are supported in bringing their authentic selves to the workplace, and to consider working towards publishing a statement and commitments akin to that published by Barts Health NHS Trust.


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