Again. It’s worse than we thought. £3 million down the drain.

We reported a little while ago about the cost of the astonishing number of staff who have left Newham Council having had to sign non-disclosure orders, some 63 over the course of three years. An FOI discovered that the cost of these “compromise agreements” was a little under £2 million.

Further enquiries have revealed that the cost is substantially more. When Newham first released the costs, they failed to mention that there was another £838,000 to be added to the total because of the pension costs that needed to be added to the original figure.

Almost £3 million in total.

This has been the cost of getting rid of staff that the mayor doesn’t want.


GMB Campaign Against Management Bullying in Newham: Scale of Problem Suggests “A Wider Problem with Processes, Management and Leadership”.


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