Another Case of Ismalophobia? Or the Same One?

Pushpa Makwana appeared to have weathered the political storm over her posting about the ritual slaughtering of sheep, although we understand that the decision to include her as a candidate was not universally welcomed by her colleagues.

A new controversy, again linked to Islamophobia has arisen.

We are told that Cllr Makwana has been removed as a governor of Oaks Park School in Redbridge, (just why was a Newham Councillor a parent governor in Redbridge?). And that the reason was because of Islamophobia. What we do not know is whether this relates to spreading the same image shown above or whether there was something else.

Cllr Makwana doesn’t appear on the Oaks Park website; if there is some controversy, understandably the school would not want to advertise the fact and become embroiled in the inevitable shit-storm that would ensue.

However, on the Newham website, Cllr Makwana does list her being a governor at Oaks Park School under her Declaration of Interests, together with a note that her term ended in Jan 2021.

She does not appear on the Dept of Education website either as a current or past governor. 

If Cllr Makwana would like to get in touch to clarify any matters, we would be delighted to her from her.


More Cracks Appearing in Newham Labour? (Copy)


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