Winners and Losers

James Asser gets the plum job and the title, Deputy Mayor. This is despite his very lack-lustre performance in his previous role where he alienated parents and the supporters of the City Farm; and everyone who owns a car; shopkeepers in East Ham and Green St; and residents and motorists on Browning Road. Surprisingly, he keeps this portfolio in his new role. As we have said before, lack of ability should not be an impediment to ambition.

Zulfiqar Ali takes on the high-profile role from Terry Paul. There must be an irony there because he lost a previous role under Wales for unfortunate financial arrangements involving payments of council money. Nuff said!

You may think that Skeletor has come to Newham, but Neil Wilson is one of the longest serving councillors. Saved from a scandal in Epping Forest by Robin Wales he has been promoted from chairing the licensing committee. He previously served in a cabinet of Robin Wales where he held the Equalities portfolio. Now he has the Adults and Social Care portfolio which will actually require him to give some thought and effort to the role. We assume that he was a late choice, being offered the role that Terry Paul declined.

Sarah Ruiz continues in her role as Cabinet Member for Children’s Services. Held office under Wales; cleared off to join Respect. Re-joined the Labour Party and got promoted. Not much more to be said.

Cllr Carleene Lee-Phakoe, becomes Cabinet member for Crime and Community Safety after her stunning performance in the role of, err, something. What was it? Did she do something? Anyway, Beckles is out and Lee-Phakoe is in.

Funny how things turn out. Garfield was only a few years ago, more than a little disenchanted with the Labour Party and the Mayor. Garfield is the only Jewish councillor and one of precious few Jews in Newham Labour. He experienced considerable antisemitism and it appeared that he was not greatly impressed by the mayor’s response, (or lack thereof). But now he has accepted a role in her cabinet. What Garfield’s plans are to improve the education and skills offer in the borough are, we don’t know, perhaps he could discuss them with fellow ward councillor Terry Paul, who will have time on his hands to help out. But then, it might not matter very much as he is evidently intent upon becoming an MP, somewhere.

Shaban Mohammed continues in his role overseeing the new homes planned under the Wales regime.

Councillors Luke Charters,  Sabia Kamali, Mumtaz Khan, Mariam Dawood, Jane Lofthouse all receive Deputy Cabinet roles. A rapid rise for Kumali and Charters who had only been councillors for 48 hours before their elevation.

The most high-profile loser in the reshuffle is Terry Paul. Detailed on this website. 

James Beckles also got the order of the boot, but it is unlikely that anyone will notice his departure.

Rohit Dasgupta was unwise enough to support Lakmini Shah in her bid to become deputy whip. Fiaz, it seems, sees Shah as a threat to her position. For his pains, he was dismissed by Mayor Fiaz, while on holiday. In India! His role goes to Jane Lofthouse.

Going Down

Charlene McLean is shunted from the Deputy Mayor post and now has to make do with being Cabinet member for Resident Engagement and Resident Experience, whatever that is. Cynics reading this might suggest that it is a made-up title for a job that makes no difference. But that would be cruel.

The Cabinet as announced on Sunday 15th May 2022

Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz OBE, Inclusive Economy, Housing Delivery and Climate Emergency, Council Performance and Transformation

Cllr James Asser, Statutory Deputy Mayor and Cabinet member for Environment, Highways and Sustainable Transport

Cllr Charlene Mclean, Cabinet member for Resident Engagement and Resident Experience

Cllr Zulfiqar Ali, Cabinet member for Finance and ResourcesCllr Neil Wilson, Cabinet member for Health and Adult Social CareCllr Sarah Ruiz, Cabinet member for Children’s Services

Cllr Carleene Lee-Phakoe, Cabinet member for Crime and Community Safety

Cllr Shaban Mohammed, Cabinet member for Housing Services

Cllr Joshua Garfield, Cabinet member for Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning

Cllr Luke Charters, Deputy Cabinet member for Inclusive Economy, Housing Delivering and Climate Emergency, and Performance and Transformation

Cllr Sabia Kamali, Deputy Cabinet member for Resident Engagement and Resident ExperienceCllr Mumtaz Khan, Deputy Cabinet member for Health and Adult Social Care

Cllr Mariam Dawood, Deputy Cabinet member for Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning

​​​​​​​Cllr Jane Lofthouse, Deputy Cabinet member for Equalities, Social Integration and Culture


Another Case of Ismalophobia? Or the Same One?


Let’s Play Intersectional Cabinet Bingo