Discontent Amongst the Comrades

We understand that Cllr Shantu Ferdous is taking Newham Council to court!

Cllr Ferdous has a child with special needs. As such she wants the best for her child. Unfortunately, her council, which just happens to be Newham Council, the same Newham Council of which she is a member, is unable to provide the support.

So, we are told, Cllr Ferdous of Newham Council is taking Newham Council to judicial review in order to provide the educational support her child needs. This would explain the refusal to place her on the Education Scrutiny Commission.

The struggle of parents bringing up children with special needs is not something to be dismissed or made light of. There remains, however, something of an irony in the prospect of a Newham councillor taking Newham Council to court because of their failings. Is this what we are all required to do now?


An Opportunity for Greatness


The Representation of the People