Getting Your Priorities Right

We did have a pause to wonder whether we were being unkind to the Green councillors on Newham Council, and their obsession with gender politics. It’s okay. We weren’t. 

We are yet to hear from Cllr Keeling about just what rights Newham Council is denying trans-people, but we are sure that that information will be forthcoming, in due course. 

Never mind the spiralling costs of programmes like the regeneration of Carpenters. Nor the effect of a 15% hike in local taxes on residents. Nor the levels of criminal violence on the streets (Cllr Keeling went suddenly silent when asked to offer solutions rather than just engage in a bit of gratuitous virtue signalling).

What really matters are trans-rights. We look forward to hearing from those whom Newham Council is denying these rights and how they have suffered at the oppressive hands of the cis-hierarchy.

Cllr Keeling’s comments were in relation to the discovery by Labour leader, Keir Starmer, that 99.9% of women don’t have a penis. (We assume that 99.9% of men don’t have a cervix, but for some reason he was silent on that.) This is clearly an improvement on Starmer’s being unable to define what a woman is, but he still has some way to go to reach the level of understanding of an average five-year old.

However, Starmer’s somewhat bizarre commentary, in which he appeared to want to appease both TERFs and trans-activists, is clearly insufficient. From the trans activists it provoked anger and from feminists it provoked ridicule.

Though we do note the date on the Times headline and wonder if possibly (hopefully) that might have had something to do with the headline, though we suspect not. Wishful thinking on our part, we suspect.


Another £7m Written Off


“Bias” and “an Abuse of Process” and an “Affront to Justice”.