No Antisemitism Here

The mayor, and it appears, some Newham councillors recently met with local councillors from Israel. From such accounts as there are, it seems that it was a positive meeting. This is good news given Newham Labour’s unfortunate recent (and current) history with antisemitism. We note that Cllr Guana, despite us being told that she is suspended, still appears on the Newham website as a Labour and Co-operative Party councillor!

For some reason news of this meeting did not appear on the Newham London Twitter feed. We can only assume that they were so busy that they missed it.

Nor were there any photos. It has been suggested that some of her more conservative religious colleagues warned the mayor against such a meeting, with the implication that there would be trouble if it happened.

For all their vaunted ‘progress’ in ridding the party of antisemitism, it seems that some of her colleagues don’t like Zionists, or Jews as they are more commonly known.


Greens Carved Out of any Seats, But Maybe Next Year.


Newham London Strikes Blow Against Language Tyranny