Nostrum Culpa

It seems that our correspondent has fallen into the same trap as that which caught out poor Cllr Vaughan. It was entirely accidental. 

Above we have included part of the article in which we refer to Cllr Keeling as “he”. Shame on us! We have sent all of our copy editors for compulsory re-education and expect to see improvements when they (plural) return from China.

The pedants amongst our readership will doubtless refer to the repeated use, by Cllr Keeling of the male pronoun, on their own, (singular), website.

We, however, hold ourselves to a much higher standard than Cllr Keeling appears to hold for himself. Damn, blast, we’ve done it again! Themself. Themself! THEMSELF!! 

We therefore unreservedly apologise for calling them him.

We do, however, retain the right to continue to extract the urine from our elected representatives, particularly when they are more concerned with their own narcissistic obsessions than with improving the lives of people in the borough.


An Intersectional Conundrum


Oh, the Irony.