Behind the Sacking-A Climate of Antisemitism

Thank you to the members of Labour Group who forwarded this. It clearly speaks to the matter of the ‘resignation’ of Cllr John Gray and casts considerable doubts on the veracity of his account.

More importantly, it speaks to the way in which both principle and basic humanity have been sacrificed for political expediency. The accusations are that the Mayor, the Labour Party in Newham and Newham councillors have been complicit in fostering a climate of antisemitism.

If the Labour Party in Newham will do nothing to end this, perhaps the national Labour Party needs to.

Subject: Statement to Newham Labour Group 

Dear colleagues, 

I want to take the opportunity to thank everybody who has reached out over the past few days to offer their support and solidarity following the release of the EHRC’s report into antisemitism in the Labour Party. As the only Jewish member of Newham Council, it has been reassuring to hear how appalled many of you are at how badly the Labour Party has been legally found to have treated its Jewish members over the past few years. The new leadership has thus far been steadfast in their commitment to root out antisemitism from the party, and I know many of you will be joining me to make that a reality.

Recently, some of you have approached me with questions about an ongoing investigation instigated by Mayor Fiaz and the whips’ office following complaints I lodged earlier in the year. Initially assured of the confidentiality of the process, I was reticent to respond with clarity to the rumours circulating. Given recent announcements to changes in the Newham Council Cabinet, I thought it appropriate to address you all directly as colleagues and comrades.

A detailed report was written following an independent investigation commissioned by Mayor Fiaz, undertaken by David Hirsh, and completed on 23 September 2020. The findings of the report implicate local Labour Party members, councillors, and the Mayor in fostering a culture of antisemitism in the local party through failure of leadership.

As you all know, I have continually called out antisemitism in the Labour Party; locally and nationally. The EHRC report made it clear that ‘antisemitism within the Labour Party could have been tackled more effectively if the leadership had chosen to do so.’ Painfully, I believe the same to be true of our local party and local leadership; it is my view that David Hirsh’s report confirms this.

People do not necessarily need to hold racist views in order to uphold institutional racism; they simply need to equivocate between the racism and those opposing it: “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing.” 

The report reveals that, at times, the Mayor, former Deputy Mayor, and whips’ office have been guilty of adopting positions of neutrality between the people responsible for the culture of antisemitism in the borough and those who opposed it. It has always been obvious to me who is antisemitic in the Newham Labour Party; it has often been less obvious why their behaviour and presence has been tolerated, or even enabled, by those in charge. As an elected Jewish member of Newham Labour Group, I believe I deserved better. I believe we all deserve better.

This morning I advised the Mayor that, in the interests of transparency, Labour Group members have a right to read David Hirsh’s report. It is not right that its contents are subject to speculation and partial leaks, nor is it fair for anybody named in the report. 

As elected representatives, we all bear huge responsibility for setting a high moral and ethical standard to our residents and facing the consequences if we ever fall foul of that standard. We are all capable of falling foul of that standard. The contrition of our response in times of error, and how we opt to make amends, is what we are defined by. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. And thank you in advance for your efforts to tackle antisemitism in Newham Labour Party going forward.

Yours sincerely,

Councillor Joshua Garfield.


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