Open Newham Open Newham

Islamists Masquerading as Civil Libertarians. The Mayor’s New Friends

In such circumstances it is entirely appropriate for the Mayor of a multi-faith borough like Newham to highlight the issue, to take steps to support individuals and create a climate in which they feel safe.

However, her choice of partners in this collaboration is the subject of some concern, both to liberally minded Muslims and those of other faiths.

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Open Newham Open Newham

The Gray-Fiaz Antisemitism Saga Continues

The as-yet unpublished report on antisemitism in Newham states that "those who are directly responsible for political and institutional antisemitism in the Labour Party are generally the first to accuse their victims of aggression and disloyalty.

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Open Newham Open Newham

What do these Two Men Have in Common?

In case you can’t remember, the one on the left (figuratively and literally) is Jeremy Corbyn MP. Until April 2020 he was Leader of the Labour Party and by virtue of that role, Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Behind the Sacking-A Climate of Antisemitism

Thank you to the members of Labour Group who forwarded this. It clearly speaks to the matter of the ‘resignation’ of Cllr John Gray and casts considerable doubts on the veracity of his account.

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