“Bullying and Intimidation” by Mayor Fiaz?


It looks like all of those Labour councillors who are not on the mayoral payroll have fallen out with the mayor. A group, believed to total 26 in number, (though we have the names of only 18), have made a complaint to the Labour Party alleging that Fiaz has been “bullying”, “intimidating” and “harassing” councillors both in public and in private.

It seems that the local ‘Labour Family’ has become a little dysfunctional. 

We await any news about the outcome of the complaint.

The scuttlebutt suggests that there has been a strain on the relationships between Pakistani Mayor Fiaz and the Afro/Caribbean members of her council team. The prominent role played by Cllr Daniel Lee Phakoe might add some weight to this, though it must make for some interesting bedtime conversations between the rebellious Daniel Lee Phakoe and his spousal cabinet member Carlene Lee Phakoe.


This is not the first time that Fiaz has been accused of bullying. In her first year of office it was alleged that she publicly bullied and belittled members of the fourth floor staff including those in her private office. Several chose to leave and were ushered to the door with very generous gagging orders. So much for openness and transparency.

We also hear that the underlying reasons for the departure of three female councillors from the cabinet was Fiaz’s belittling of Cllrs Tripp, Masters and Marriott. Just why does she need to get rid of so many female cabinet members?


If you have further information, we’d love to hear from you. if you’d like it to be published, try to have some verification. We guarantee confidentiality if that is your wish. info@opennewham.co.uk


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