Free Speech Under Attack from Newham Labour Mayor


The increasingly fragile egos of Newham’s Labour Mayor and Councillors are clearly irritated by the existence of websites and social media which expose their actions and prick at their fragile self-image.

A reportedly ‘tired and emotional’ councillor decried the presence of these ‘shadowy figures’ on the ‘dark web’. Mayor Fiaz joined in promising to use legal action to pursue these ‘shadowy people in the background’. 

Bring it on.

Let’s assume for a moment that this is actually more than bluster and an attempt to cow dissent by the threat of legal action. It reveals a malaise in contemporary politics. Rather than debate and defend her actions, she threatens to use the courts (or the police?) to silence criticism. She is wrong on two fronts.

  1. It aint gonna happen.

  2. It is an egregious abuse of power. 

We would reiterate, that people who write in and can demonstrate that what we have written is factually incorrect, will receive a correction and an apology. People who write in saying that they don’t like what we have written, tough!


Severe Maladministration! Severe Maladministration!


A Fly-Tipping Blight