Severe Maladministration! Severe Maladministration!

So Bad, They did it Twice.



  • n. Faulty management of affairs; vicious or defective conduct in the performance of official duties, particularly of executive and ministerial duties prescribed by law. Formerly maleadministration.

  • n. Bad administration; bad management of any business, especially of public affairs.

  • n. Faulty, inefficient or impropermanagement or administration, especially by a government body.

You recall that everything that is wrong is the fault of the previous administration. Well, it seems that that might not be completely true. 

Having decried the housing state in Newham, Mayor Fiaz and former Housing Czar John Gray have been caught out.


An article from Inside Housing points out that “Newham Council has now been the subject of two of the eight “severe maladministration” determinations issued by the Housing Ombudsman since it created the category in 2019/20.”

That’s right. A quarter of all the findings have been against Newham since 2019. Twice as many as any other borough or authority.

In addition, “Analysis published Inside Housing revealed that Newham Council has one of the worst records in the sector for complying with ombudsman orders on time.”

So come on Cllr S Mohammed. Time to earn your money. What are you going to do to fix this?


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