Bringing Tower Hamlets’ Politics to Newham

It sounds like a positive thing. Mayor Fiaz is seeking to undermine the influence of Muslim men in the Labour Party and give Muslim women a chance to show what they can do.

She can say to the mosques that she is extending the influence of Muslims on the council. She can say to the secularists that she is taking a stand against misogyny.

It sounds like a win-win for Fiaz.

Except that she is fraternising with some highly dubious characters.

Take a look at Sabia Kamali.

Tower Hamlets First is the communitarian political party set up by the disgraced former mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfer Rahman. It is comprised almost exclusively of Bangladeshis. In part it pursued policies aimed directly at benefitting one community over the others in Tower Hamlets. That’s why Rahman was convicted and barred from office.

A few short years ago, one Sabia Kamali stood for election as a candidate for Tower Hamlets First. She lost as you can see below.


What comes as something of a surprise is that Labour Mayor Fiaz is now seeking to promote Kamali as her favoured Labour candidate to replace Julianne Marriot in East Ham Central. Rohima Rahman will be peeved, being edged out by a relative newcomer.

The East Ham Central party members might be more interested to know how deep Kamali’s conversion from communitarian politics goes. Or whether it’s just window dressing.


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