Ex-Labour Independents

We are not going to carry every candidate for council, but this declaration is interesting. It is becoming evident that Labour is going to come under pressure from some of its former members. Tahir Mirza, was formerly the Chair of East Ham CLP and is one of those who have resigned as the Labour Party has increasingly kept the membership away from local decision making.

We don’t know if Mr T Mirza will be running alone in his ward. The leaflet suggests that he will. This raises an interesting question about the campaign that he (and presumably others) will run. Something along the lines of “Time to shake up complacent Labour. Vote 2-Labour and 1-Independent”.

It might just work. They will not win a majority, but they might shake up the local Labour Party. In Tahir’s case, his campaign is addressed wholly towards the ward he is fighting and the current administration have given him plenty of ammunition. We wonder how many of the candidates parachuted in by Labour will be able to evidence such a connection with the ward.

His promise to give all of his allowances to charity might also appeal to some voters.


And the Race Begins…


CPA Announces Mayoral Anti-Nepotism Candidate