Just When You Thought it Couldn’t Get Any Worse for Newham Labour…

We have discovered that yet another Newham Labour councillor has resigned!

Cllr Liz Booker has chosen to stand down. Although the council website still shows Booker as a councillor for Little Ilford, we have it on good authority that there will be yet another byelection for Newham Council.

Readers may well ask, just what is happening on Newham Council? Booker’s resignation will mean that there will be a fourth council byelection, this time in a seat that must be highly vulnerable to the Independent Group.

In a seat that has a majority of south Asian Muslims (55%), with 54% of the population born outside the UK, Labour business managers must be contemplating yet another loss. And Cllr Mirza must be confident of adding to the number of Independent Group councillors.

The figures below are compiled from the government’s output areas and are available on the website, City Population.

The date of the byelection is not yet certain. It may be possible to hold it on the 18th July, when Beckton goes to the polls. This will mean that Cllr Alan Griffiths will have to get his act together as we understand that the reason the Beckton by-election is not being held on the same day as the general election is because it was because Griffiths cocked it up and didn’t get the paperwork in on time.


We can now add Booker to the list that includes,




Penton, and

Das Gupta.

Is it too much to expect that somebody in the Labour Party might wake up and ask, “what is going on in Newham?”. In the space of two years, Newham Labour has lost 10% of its councillors. 

Is this a British record?


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