Open Newham Open Newham

Three Years In. The Dunning-Kruger* Effect?

We thought that we’d take a look at the progress Mayor Fiaz is making after three years in office. In her campaign she asserted that she was “Building Newham’s Future”. Let’s see how she is doing.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Police and Council (lack of) Relations

We hear that the borough commander has recently decamped from Newham to set up his office in neighbouring Waltham Forest (his command is across the two boroughs). The reasons we have been given are that he found it impossible to work with the current Mayor.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Newham: Lessons from Batley & Spen

A Labour MP brutally murdered by a right-wing extremist and her sister stands for her seat; it should have been a shoe in for Labour as they sought to capitalise on the sympathy vote. In 2019, at the general election Labour was returned with a healthy 3500 vote majority and some 42% of the vote.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Eight Under Investigation!

A recent meeting of the Labour Group were told that some eight members of the Group were currently under investigation by the Labour Party. This is unprecedented. Fully 12% of the Labour Group are being investigated by the Labour Party for breaches of their rules.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Peace in Gaza?

It’s got the right buzzword, “Peace”. Everyone is welcome. How can Open Newham be critical of such an event? Everyone in their right mind must hope, and if they have a deity in their lives, might even pray for peace in Gaza. You’d have to be cruel to wish otherwise.

So, is that what Newham Muslim Forum, the Mayor’s favoured Muslim organisation, is doing?

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Open Newham Open Newham

The Dog Whistle and Me

You would think that we had become used to the hypocrisy of the current regime. But then, something new happens and you realise that it can get worse.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Inept or Illegal? Shameful Delays in By-election Ballots.

Readers who vote using postal ballots will have received their ballots and some of you will have filled these in and sent back your ballots for the Mayor of London; for the GLA member; and for the Referendum. All sorted.

But if you are fortunate enough to live in East Ham’s Central ward, you will have the chance to vote in the by-election for a councillor to replace Julianne Marriot.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Fiaz Covers Every Base on Mayoral Referendum

Back in those halcyon days before the realities of office set in, Ms Fiaz was clear in her intentions to end the office of the Directly Elected Mayor, (DEM).

Gone were the days of concentrating so much power in the hands of a single individual.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Referendum Campaign Staggers into Action

So, the referendum is happening. Residents have begun to receive propaganda from both sides of the campaign. That is from those who want to keep the mayor and those who want a Leader and Committee model.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Karen Whelan. Good at Wealth Building.

Newham will shortly be welcoming Karen Whelan to the senior staff team. Ms Whelan will come in to head the council’s Community Wealth Building initiative, one of Mayor Fiaz’s pet projects imported from Corbynite Preston.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Antisemitism. Again and Again and Again.

We asked recently how long the Labour Party was going to be before it reported on the complaints of antisemitism against several of Newham’s Labour Group. No sooner had we published than this turned up.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Referendum, What Referendum?

The London Mayoral Election is coming up and Sadiq Khan is facing competition from a handful of candidates that no-one has ever heard of. If he fails to get an overwhelming mandate, that would be something of an embarrassment.

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