A Luta Continua, at least it does down Folkstone Road.
We have been asked to provide a fuller account of why the current Labour Mayor and Council are in dispute with the refuse workers, and whether there is any conflict inside the Labour Party as to which side is right.
Nominations Open for Ilford South Seat
We don’t know how many potential candidates will throw their hats into the ring as candidates for the position of Labour’s candidate in Ilford South. We suspect that there might be as few as two.
Is the Mayor Backtracking on Her Promises to the Residents of Brimstone House?
Do you remember those far off days when everything seemed so easy; when answers to complex problems seemed to float off the tongue of aspiring politicians. Alas, those days have gone and the mayor has discovered that real problems need real solutions.
Do You Think That Mr Mirza Might Have a Point?
All of the photos above were taken prior to the start of the bin workers’ strike. All of them are within 250 metres of one another.
Labour Left Feeling Betrayed by Fiaz.
We suspect that there is someone on the top floor in Dockside who is beginning to rue the day she ever started to espouse her support for trade unions.
It's one thing praising unions when you are in opposition. It's quite another when you have to deal with their wage demands.
Newham Council Takes Novel Approach to Accommodating Street Homeless People in Manor Park.
It seems that Newham Council have taken a new approach to housing the homeless. Here we see their latest initiative centred on Manor Park Neighbourhood Centre.
Now is the Summer of Our Discontent
On Friday night Mayor Fiaz was championing the striking dockworkers of yesteryear. On Monday she was in conflict with the striking bin workers of today.
Funny that.
Four Years Later, Canning Town Library is Left to Rot and the Taxpayer Foots the Bill.
This is Canning Town Library. We covered the saga surrounding it several years ago, but as the property has been allowed to fester, we have decided to revisit the subject.
A History of Achievement, After a Fashion.
Ms Fiaz previously worked for The Coexistence Trust, on her website she says,
Another Broken Promise?
In those distant days when Fiaz saw her future with the vanguards of the Corbynite Left, Fiaz published a number of pledges. A pledge to end all further privatisation and outsourcing was prominent amongst them.
So, there are Pictures!
We reported that Mayor Fiaz was to join the assembled members of various trade unions and far left groups to celebrate the anniversary of the imprisonment of the Pentonville 5.
Newham Bin Workers Vote to Strike. Here Comes the Summer of Discontent.
If you are old enough, you will recall that Labour Prime Minister, Jim Callaghan was brought down by a winter of public sector strikes, the most notable of which was the strike of the refuse workers which saw mountains of black bags built up across the country.
Missing Committee Chairs, Overly Long, Rushed Procedures, Inexplicable Rulings by the Chair
Rokhsana Fiaz. “Getting Stuff Done”, just not in Newham.
Landlords for Labour 2022
Again, we see the hypocrisy of the Labour Party in Newham. Decrying private landlords, when almost a quarter of the council are private landlords. Let’s see what we can uncover this time.
Did We Break the Law?
We thought that we’d take a look at the disclosures of the new batch of Newham councillors. (Details correct as of 26/7/22).
Relations Between Khan and Fiaz “Really Awkward”. Fiaz “reported” to the Chief Whip.
Readers will recall that we noted the injudicious remarks from Mayor Fiaz with regard to the other Mayor in Newham, Sadiq Khan, you know, the Mayor that runs London. Fiaz you will recall, retweeted a post from an anti-tunnel campaign group, that effectively called Khan a liar.
Who’s Been a Naughty Boy?
In their last meeting, (July 14 2022) the Standards Committee considered a complaint under the Code of Conduct against Cllr Shaban Mohammed.
More Questions than Answers? Has the Mayor broken the Law? Has the Time Come for Comrade Asser to Take over the Reins of Power?
In an earlier article, we raised some questions about the Mayor’s declarations. The Mayor has since updated her entry on the Register of Interests, some 11 weeks after the election.
When we said we supported mandatory reselection, we didn’t mean us.
We have seen how the attitude of former ‘mandatory reselection’ supporting MP, Sam Tarry changed when he lost a trigger ballot in Redbridge. Tarry will now have to fight for his seat in an open selection process.
Oh, the Irony. A Summer of Discontent?
The supposedly left-wing regime in charge of Newham Council finds itself embroiled in a pay dispute with its own workers.