The Picture which Shook the Election
The team supporting Sophia Naqvi published the picture above. (We have done similar.)
It named and showed the faces of five Newham Chief Execs in six years. The inference was that there was some problem between the Newham Mayor and her senior officers that meant that they didn’t stay around long.
Does this Glorious Victory Mean an End to Council House Building?
Across the country, schemes requiring an element of social (or affordable) housing have been negotiated. Usually, these take the form of 30%-35% social/affordable housing with the larger portion, 65%-70% being sold or let at commercial levels.
Fiaz’s Preferred Candidate Defeated. Again.
In a race that echoes the recent battle between Lakmini Shah and Thelma Odoi, it seems that Cllr Terry Paul convincingly defeated Cllr Lewis Godfrey for the vacant position of Scrutiny Chair.
Mayor Fails Again. This Time on Housing.
Figures from the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities show that the number of affordable homes built in Newham is dropping. In 2022-23 some 844 affordable homes were completed. This corresponds to a figure 1156 in the year before. This shows a drop in completed homes of almost 25% in a year.
“Me, Me, Me. It’s all about Me. I’m in Charge.”
The current balance of the council is as follows. Of 66 council seats
The Majority Group. Labour has 60.
The Main Opposition. The Independent Group has 3.
The Green Party has 2.
Non-aligned antisemitic independent, (wanting to get back in the Labour Party) councillor, has 1 seat.
Labour Group Instructed to have NO Contact with Open Newham
Spoiler Alert: It didn’t work!
It appears that the results of the last two byelections have rattled the London Region of the Labour Party. Regional officer, Larry Culhane, visited Newham on Monday 4th. We understand that he had a private conversation with Mayor Fiaz, which must have been fun for both of them.
Why is it that Residents Lose Faith in Labour Councillors?
We understand that residents of Beckton, that’s the same Beckton where Cllr Asser is a councillor, wrote to the Deputy Mayor. The Beckton Environmental Action Team, has sent numerous emails to Cllr Asser reporting the public drinking by contractors and littering.
Who Has Confidence in the Mayor?
Amidst all of the gossip that is floating around Labour Group in the light of Labour’s poor performance in recent elections, we came across some interesting snippets.
Cllr Godfrey in the News Again, for all the wrong reasons.
Readers will note that we took down an article regarding Cllr Godfrey. This is rare and in this article we outline why.
Shock, Third Resignation of Newham Cabinet Member
Open Newham has learned that Cllr Miriam Dawood told cabinet colleagues that she was resigning. It is understood that Dawood handed her resignation to Mayor Fiaz. Fiaz in turn asked that didn’t publish the resignation until after the Peer Review had been completed.
Fiaz Heckled in Market Protest
For reasons best known to herself (and her expensive Assistant Chief Executive for Marketing), Mayor Fiaz ‘launched’ her bid for Newham to become Borough of Culture in 2024 in the somewhat dank and run-down surroundings of Queens Road Market. What’s more, she chose to do it on a cold winter evening.
Market Protest *2 “This is Completely Lie”
We noted in our article concerning the complaint that Cllr Godfrey has had lodged against him, that he has told people that his What’s App account has been hacked.
Round Up of the Memes
We’ve collated the remainder of the memes below. The Naqvi campaign used humour and some acerbic reflections to make their points. These clearly hit home with the voters.
What Caused a 43% Swing Against Labour in Plaistow North?
Drawing up trends on the basis of three by-elections is clearly a dangerous exercise. However, there is clearly a substantial dissatisfaction with Newham Labour and this is being shown in the polls.
The Most Amusing Meme of the Campaign; a little bit of toilet Humour.
This has to be the outright winner. It combines humour whilst making a political point and does so without rancour. *****5 Stars!
Humiliation for Labour? Naqvi Takes Plaistow North
Nationally Labour is riding high. It seems that the fears shown by voters are being dispelled and the electorate are beginning to think that Keir Starmer might make a decent prime minister.
The Saddest Meme of the Campaign
The picture, shared on Twitter/X just days before the election, seems to sum up the difference between the two campaigns.
Is Labour Now Vulnerable in Newham?
On 24th November, Mehmood Mirza announced that Newham Independents would be seeking candidates to fight the local elections in June 2026. This may sound a little premature, particularly as Labour and the other parties have lately tended to select their candidates after the election is announced. But the momentum (no pun intended) is with the Independents and they are clearly intent on keeping up the pressure.
Newham Suddenly Finds an Army of Road Cleaners for Plaistow North
If there is one issue that Mehmood Mirza has campaigned on consistently over the past four years, it is the state of the roads. He has persistently highlighted the issues of litter and fly-tipping. It seems that all of his efforts have at last paid off.
Labour under pressure in East London
In a corner of east London today, a by-election is taking place in Plaistow, part of the London Borough of Newham. Labour won this seat by a landslide in 2022 by a 1500 vote margin. But things are now totally different after one of their councillor’s stepped down at the start of the Israel-Hamas war.