What Do These Two People Have in Common?
Firstly, they are both MPs elected under the Labour banner.
Secondly, they represent north London constituencies.
Third, they were both lovers.
Why Does Labour Still Have a Problem with Jews?
Jeremy Corbyn might have tried to justify his comments when he equated Jews and Zionists, but it didn’t really work. Readers will recall that in 2013, when Corbyn was speaking at a conference, he stated that Zionists had, “no sense of irony” despite “having lived in this country for a very long time”.
A New Red-Green Alliance in the Making?
Having scaled the political heights and becoming the unexpected leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn discovered how slippery the greasy pole was. Not only did he lose his position as leader, but he found himself without the whip of the party he had been leading, only months before.
An Intersectional Conundrum
The Recorder reported upon a clash at Plashet School between “religious and secular staff” with regard to a new equalities policy. It might otherwise be described as a clash between those who adhere to a traditional understanding of sex and gender and those who don’t.
Oh, the Irony.
We have previously noted Labour’s attempt to smear the Tories over high taxes, (here). Well, it’s just politics and no-one should need to feel sorry for the Tories.
But somewhere, someone must be feeling just a little embarrassed when Newham’s Mayor Fiaz and London Mayor Sadiq Khan, hike their council taxes by almost 15% in one year, (see here).
Newham Comes Top Again. For All the Wrong Reasons.
In a table of the worst councils in England and Wales for repairing potholes, Newham has managed to take the top place, yet again.
Nostrum Culpa
It seems that our correspondent has fallen into the same trap as that which caught out poor Cllr Vaughan. It was entirely accidental.
All-Aboard the Gravy Train
Mayor Fiaz (Pronouns: She / Her), has announced her new cabinet line-up.
She informed colleagues that she would be delivering “those services that matter the most to our residents in line with our sound Budget plans”.
Another £7m Written Off
There are holes in Newham’s draconian parking regime. It seems that law abiding drivers, who pay their fines get stung. Those who evade the penalties, get away with it.
Remember this?
We are indebted to The Spectator for much of the following.
As Cllr Keeling noted, the census revealed that significantly less than half of one percent of the population in England and Wales identified as transgender, that is to say, some 262,000 people plus say roughly 40,000 nor so (to account for N. Ireland and Scotland.
Getting Your Priorities Right
We did have a pause to wonder whether we were being unkind to the Green councillors on Newham Council, and their obsession with gender politics. It’s okay. We weren’t.
“Bias” and “an Abuse of Process” and an “Affront to Justice”.
In 1977 the Newham City Farm was set up. In 2021, Newham Council resolved to shut it down.
The loss was keenly felt, not only by the staff and the volunteers, but by the many families that used the farm and the children who enjoyed a unique learning experience.
Don’t Tell Mayor Fiaz
In this personal letter from Keir Starmer to the thousands of Party members, it seems that the Labour Party has discovered that regressive taxation aint good
Carry On Up the Council
Wednesday 29th March 2023 saw some strange goings on at East Ham Town Hall.
Three Scrutiny Chairs, (Councillors Masters, Booker and D. Lee Phakoe) plus Cllr Chadha ‘called in’ the decision of the mayor and cabinet, to approve the additional spending of £24m on the redevelopment of James Riley Point.
Cabinet Rejects Recommendations from Scrutiny
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee has been working.
On 29th March, they met to discuss James Riley Point and the escalation in costs.
When Will the Standards Board Report?
Readers will recall that at a fractious meeting earlier this year, the former close comrades (Cllr Paul and Mayor Fiaz) found themselves in a hostile confrontation.
Basically, Paul suggested to Fiaz, quite strongly we are told, that her sums did not add up.
Build a “Fairer Newham”; by Taxing the Poor.
In order to build a “fairer Newham”, Newham Council (Labour) has increased its council tax rates by 4.99%. The Mayor of London (Labour) and the GLA have upped their demands by over 9%. Newham remains one of the most deprived boroughs both in London and the country.
“There is More to the Doing than Merely Willing It Be Done”
It seems that there are some councillors who share our concerns about the escalating costs for the Carpenter’s Estate redevelopment. Readers will recall that we noted the decision from Newham Cabinet to nod through an increase in the costs of the refurbishment of James Riley Point of some 43%.
Costs on James Riley Point Leap by 45%
We reported a few days ago on the disarray in Mayor Fiazco's cabinet over their new Parking Tax. You know, the one to really help Newham’s hard-up residents get over the pandemic!
Plans for Canning Town Library Announced. Sort of.
Readers will recall that Newham Council caved in to a handful of protesters about the use of the redundant library building in Canning Town.
After five years, Newham Council have indicated that they do have plans for “The Old” Canning Town Library building.