Welcome to Lambeth?
We noted earlier, the remarkable turnover of Chief Execs in Newham; five chief execs in six years.
News has come to Open Newham that Abi Gbago, Newham’s latest chief executive, is now on the search for a way out.
We understand that Cllr Shaban Mohammed is no longer the cabinet member for housing. There is some dispute as to whether he voluntarily stood down because of the humiliation of the housing inspection or whether he was pushed under the bus by Fiaz in an attempt to protect her from criticism prior to the council meeting on Monday 21st October.
The Beginning of Newham’s Winter of Discontent.
It seems that ICT staff in Newham are currently taking part in a strike ballot. This is caused by “the council’s plan to outsource the service”, as quoted on UKAuthority website.
Newham has an Alternative to Solving the Housing Crisis.
It seems that Newham has adopted an alternative, sort of DIY, strategy towards homelessness. Small tent-villages are springing up.
It’s Official!
The government website announced today (16/10/24), that Newham Housing is not only the worst in the country, but the worst in history!
We reported that Newham were to be the first authority in the country to be awarded the grade C4. That of a failing authority.
Can You Guess Which London Borough?
Having been assured repeatedly by the mayor, that the council is not in crisis, we learn from the LGC that Newham “will not be able to balance its budget for 2025-26 unless the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government approves an exceptional financial support arrangement.”
Even Curiouser
We reflected on the rumour that Cllr Lewis Godfrey was suspended from the Labour Party. This seemed to be a bit odd, as he had only just been cleared of wrongdoing by the standards committee.
One Budget Area Reprieved. No Cuts Here.
We discovered that amongst hundreds of pages of reports, there was one area where Newham were unable to make any savings. Nor did they think that they would be able to make any in the future.
More Bad News for the By-elections
The impact of Reform is unlikely to be large in Newham. However, the growing distance between Labour and its former supporters in the white working class might be beginning to work to Reform’s benefit nationally.
Revolving Door at the Top
We previously reported that Newham seemed to be going through Chief Executives at an alarming rate
In the six years since Ms Fiaz became mayor, there have been five Chief Execs. And, breaking news, we might soon have a sixth.
A Different Sort of Housing Crisis
Much of the work of local government is subject to regulation and inspection. Their work is often rather boring to the outsider. Has the council met a particular standard in this or that area? Are they, in the judgement of their peers well run and financially viable.
A New Official Opposition Party????
We learn that Mayor Fiaz is endeavouring to have three miscreants suspended from the Labour Group. You will recall that Cllrs Kamali, Chadha and Masters all abstained on a vote against a Green motion.
Curiouser and Curiouser
The metaphorical vultures are reported to be hovering around the head of Cllr Lewis Godfrey. We are told that a well-known member of Green St West branch is already campaigning to be adopted as the candidate when Godfrey goes.
This is where it gets bizarre.
Cleared AND Suspended!?
The political career of Cllr Lewis Godfrey continues to involve some twists and turns.
“The Gateway of Farnborough …full of homeless people from East London”
Bless them. GB News have revealed Newham Council’s latest wheeze to cut down on the homelessness figures.
Another (Deputy) Cabinet Resignation
You know that you are living in a Alice-in-Wonderland state, when the same set of council papers both announce that there is a shortfall in the council finances that will require £175m in cuts and sell-offs, and you get motions demanding the additional expenditure of millions of pounds.
A Labour Determined to Make Themselves Unpopular?
Just months after gaining a massive electoral victory, (securing 411 seats, with 20% of the nation’s voters), Labour’s popularity appears to be shrinking; down to 4% in early September according to More in Common.
An Honorable Mention amongst Landlords for Labour
It does seem that Cllr Thelma Odoi has not fully completed her disclosure to the monitoring officer. Her address is withheld, which seems to be the common practice now. However, we understand her to be a tenant of a council property. She may of course have purchased this.
Newham Oxbridge Admissions Continue to Impress
The Spectator provided a list of admission numbers to Oxbridge Colleges for the top 80 schools in the country. Three of those 80 are in Newham. There is no other borough in the country that has results that compare with Newham.
The Problems along the Romford Road Continue.
Photos from The Recorder report.
The ON report on prostitution and the mayor’s (lack of) response generated some heated correspondence. It is clear that residents, particularly those in Townley Court are not as sanguine about the issue as our political leaders seem to be.