A House Divided
For ourselves we must express our gratitude to Fiaz and her acolytes. Without them the council might operate as a reasonable and efficient body. While they continue to mess up the borough and fight amongst themselves we have plenty of material to work with.
What is the Difference between these two Men?
If we are correct in our assertion that Godfrey is facing a crown court trial, (and we believe that we are), it is therefore somewhat surprising to see that half a year after his arrest and police interview and being bailed, he remains listed as a “Labour and Co-operative” member of the council.
A Serious Word for Labour Councillors
We have seen that those members of the council who have sought to address the issue have been harangued and bullied by the mayor and her cabinet colleagues.
The problem for Labour in Newham is not that the mayor is incompetent, but that certain members have pointed out her failings. It is these councillors, not the mayor’s ineptitude that is seen as the problem by the Labour Party.
Figures Show Newham as Worst in East London
In a world where politicians did the honourable thing, we might see the resignation of the cabinet member who has overseen this deterioration in his portfolio area. But don’t hold your breath.
Independent Youth Work Budget Slashed. Again.
This is a commitment that the mayor appears to have reneged on, and the various providers face having to make staff redundant in the next six weeks.
They note the lack of consultation and the “immediate and severe impact on children and young people across the borough”.
Can it be True?
Readers will recall that Mayor Fiaz is a recent convert to the role. Having stood on a platform to abolish the post, after being in post for a few years she saw the wisdom in keeping the elected office. An office which saw her pocketing almost £100k per year.
Interesting Goings-on at Labour Group. The Revival of Democratic Centralism?
A couple of councillors objected and made their views known, and here we must acknowledge the stand taken by two councillors in particular, Cllrs Gray and McAlmont. They pointed to the illogicality of supposedly independent councillors agreeing to cast their votes without seeing what they were voting for.
More on that Settlement. Labour Members Fall-Out. Residents Pay the Bill.
The decision, we are informed, was made by the Director of Legal and Governance, (Rachel McKoy) “in consultation with the Chief Executive”, (Abi Gbago), under powers delegated within the constitution.
Carpenter’s Redevelopment: How Not to Run a Programme.
One of the criticisms of the Fiaz mayoralty has been her fixation on, what we hesitate to call ideology over pragmatism (only because her ideological position appears infinitely fluid). It was perhaps more to do with needing to placate what was then her political base.
Fall-Out from the Mayor’s Settlement.
Settlement Statement Branded “Devoid of Reality”, “Untrue”. Senior Council Officers Accused of Obstruction and Bending to Pressure!
Please Mr. Starmer, Can I have some More?
In each of the last four years, if Fiaz had simply maintained the work done under Robin Wales, Newham would have brought in between £24m-£30m more cash!
Now You See Her…
Quite how reading up on the responsibilities after being appointed is “proactive” is anyone’s guess, but that aside, on the face of it she has taken the unusual but none the less honourable course of stepping down.
This means that she held office for less time than Liz Truss!
You Are Paying for This!
Our very own Abi Gbago manages to draw down a comfortable £208k every year. This is nearly £25k above the median.
If there was some evidence that her work was improving the borough, truly, we would not complain, but there isn’t.
Athwal, Rodwell, Desai?
If Desai is off the ballot, the biggest winner will be Fiaz. She is already said to be gleefully asserting that the ‘non-apology’ for hurt feelings and her ability to get her subordinates to pay the legal fees for her action against her own council is somehow confirmation of misogyny and racism in the council. It isn’t!
Ten Percent Increase in Council Tax! Cuts in Services.
Well done Mayor Fiaz. In six years, you have taken a well run local administration and created a basket case in which the residents are forced to foot the bills for your ineptitude.
Psephological Fortune Telling and the Collapse in Labour Support
Assuming that the Labour vote at the General Election indicated the maximum level of support, a loss of 10% in support would mean that mean that Labour would be run very close in both Little Ilford and Beckton ward if a local election was held today. Four points going to the Independents would make the result too close to call. Given that turnout in council elections is generally lower, that could spell more woes for Newham Labour, particularly if opposition parties run energetic and intelligent campaigns.
Two Years Late, But We Have a Sex Workers’ Strategy. Almost.
Previously, Newham had a strategy for combatting the problems associated with prostitution. It was not a new issue and was tackled in several ways.
The early years of the new century saw a growth in the number of brothels, often operating from private premises. Under the Wales administration, the council adopted a novel way to close them down. They used the planning laws. Brothels were businesses. They were operating in private premises without the required planning consents. These ‘businesses’ were closed down.
A Bit of Light Relief Amidst Three Hours of Tedium
Councillors Whitworth and Onovo have been elevated to positions of greatness. Both were announced as cabinet members, though with what portfolios remains, as yet, a mystery. Their profiles on the Newham website have yet to be updated.
Residents take LTN Protests to Council Meeting
The mayor has previously been very keen on “people power”. But she seems somewhat less enthusiastic when it comes to people expressing opinions that conflict with her own, for some reason.