What a Coincidence
After months of waiting, former councillor Hanif Abdulmuhit received the email below within 48 hours of the publication of our article.
Cllr Abdulmuhit was told categorically by a member of the interview panel that there was an outstanding complaint against him being investigated by the Labour Party.
This assertion, it turns out was untrue.
Dirty Tricks in Newham Labour?
We have covered the underhand dealings in the Labour Party in east London, specifically as they related to the suspension of Redbridge Council Leader Jas Athwal.
Street Homelessness Climbing Again in Newham
Amidst much fanfare and collective back-slapping the burgesses of Newham congratulated themselves on the sterling work that they had done amongst the street homeless population during the pandemic.
We’ll be back in the New Year
We are taking a break for Christmas and the New Year, but we will return in 2023. Until then may we wish all of our readers, friends and foes alike, a very happy Christmas.
The Witch-Hunt Begins
We are given to understand that the leaked letter, published on Open Newham, from the Budget Working Commission, has caused the mayor to get a little upset. (This we are told is an understatement.)
Further Evidence of Council Using Motorists as Mobile Cash Machines
One of our correspondents reported upon a nice little earner that Newham Council has begun to use in Canning Town.
Clarence Road is a quiet street alongside a park. It is a cul-de-sac running off Star Lane.
Is the Mayor Being Held to Account?
In what must be a welcome development, our sources tell us that the Budget Working Commission has written to the mayor sharing their “concern regarding the Council’s financial sustainability and resilience”.
The letter is unpublished. So far, see a copy below.
Newham’s Own Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng
It takes some doing to collapse your economy overnight. Some politicians do this over a much longer period.
What we have discovered is that Newham Council is going broke.
“Who Let This Woman onto the List?”
Remember the travails of Newham Labour. One councillor was deselected for complaining about antisemitism within the Newham Party. At the same time, an antisemite was selected to stand for a seat in Canning Town South.
We covered this earlier.
Is Fiaz Adopting Wales’ Policies, or is it Hypocrisy, or Simply Opportunism?
In 2008 Newham Council, under the then Mayor, Robin Wales introduced free school meals for all children, regardless of the income of their parents.
It was a scheme that was popular with schools and with the local Labour Party. It was also remarkably effective. There was some disquiet therefore when Mayor Fiaz sought to cut the scheme to balance the books.
Councillor Mohammed Really Must Do Better
Councillor Mohammed , we hear, is “really disappointed” by the findings of a report that shows Newham Housing Department’s complaints about repairs have almost doubled in a year. What’s more, some 62% of the complaints were upheld.
Is the Mayor’s Scheme for Carpenters’ Unviable?
The delay in progressing the development of the Carpenters’ Estate in Stratford has been caused by the desire of Mayor Fiaz to distance herself from anything to do with the previous incumbent.
Something Stinks at Folkstone Road, and it’s Not the Refuse Vans
The pay dispute that has dominated relationships between the council and the refuse workers has eclipsed a longer running and much more disturbing issue.
A Cynical Attempt to Extort Money?
You’ll all be familiar with these signs. They have been put up in the last few years to improve road safety around schools in the borough.
It didn’t take long for the mayor to see another money-making opportunity at the expense of local motorists.
She Doesn’t Live in Newham and She’s Joined Another Party
Readers will recall that we reported that Cllr Pushpa Makwana had upped-roots and moved with her family to Havering borough within weeks of being elected to a seat on Newham Council.
Just for a Larf
This piece was sparked by the response to the (hopefully) humorous piece that satirised the use of ‘they’ as a personal pronoun. It speaks to the current political obsession on the Left with the correct pronoun by which to address one’s comrades and comradesses and comreXes.
Council’s Response Fails to Meet the Concerns of Refuse Workers
One of the questions that did not get a hearing at the last council meeting, was one raised by the relatives’ support group for the refuse workers. This group was set up to support workers from Folkstone Road who had complained of bullying and sexual harassment.
What is Behind the Most Expensive Plaque in History?
After a magnificent victory at council, where no-one spoke against and where Labour members were queuing up to speak for the motion, it transpired that the motion in favour of the plaque was passed. Albeit for placement on the wrong building.
The Fight for the Farm Continues as Greens Side-lined by Labour.
Campaigners for the Newham City Farm attended the council meeting on Tuesday 17th October. They submitted questions, as permitted under the council’s standing orders, to which Cllr James Asser responded in writing. To what must be the chagrin of Cllr Asser, they don’t seem to be giving up.
Motions Galore
No less than 11 motions are on the agenda for the council meeting of 17th October. This is great for the Mayor. Councillors can pontificate to their (plural) hearts content without having any effect on what is happening in Newham. Councillors can bask in the belief that they are doing something whilst having no effect on anything.