Open Newham Open Newham

Runners and Riders: Update

We reflected upon the previous election experience of one Sabia Kamali, noting how she had previously fought a local election in Tower Hamlets AGAINST Labour and for Tower Hamlets First, the communitarian party of disgraced former mayor, Lutfur Rahman.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Parking and Broken Promises

We have attached an open letter from Newham People Power.

In it they express their disappointment in the Mayor and in those councillors whom they see as failing them.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Campaign Against Fiaz Car Tax Gets Personal

Campaigners have targeted those councillors who voted to retain the Fiaz Car-Tax, (emissions-based charges) and noted that Mayor Fiaz needed the votes of some 24 of those who received Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs).

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Open Newham Open Newham

Antisemitism. It’s Happened Again

We thought that the revelation last week, that Council Deputy Chair Nazir Ahmed had been suspended over allegations of antisemitism was the last of a line of cases which have bedevilled Newham Council and Newham Labour.

It wasn’t.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Councillor, This Is Embarrassing

Having slammed Tory PM, Boris Johnson for a ‘reckless and irresponsible’ cycle round the Olympic Park, Stratford councillor Josh Garfield got caught out by the Recorder, taking a 30 mile cycle ride.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Redbridge Ex-Councillor Jailed

This report comes from the East London and West Essex Guardian:

A former councillor has been jailed and ordered to pay more than £28,000 back to Redbridge Council after committing electoral fraud.

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Open Newham Open Newham

A Stella Team

The Mayor has been heard referring to her Cabinet as a Stellar Team. We think that she means that they are very good.

We’re not sure what they’re good at, so we thought that we’d take a look.

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Open Newham Open Newham

A Family History of Unfortunate Brushes with the Law.

The partner listed for Cllr Mumtaz Khan is a media broadcaster and CEO of ATN Bangla Hafiz Alam Bakhsh. Bakhsh is also a director of HAB Enterprise Ltd which is registered at an address declared by Cllr Khan as belonging to her partner. It is a fair conclusion that Cllr Khan’s partner is Bakhsh.

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Open Newham Open Newham

No Conflict of Interest Here Then.

The teachers of Little Ilford School are on strike, specifically they object to the Town Hall’s plans to expand the school by adding additional pupils.

This is a policy now championed by one Cllr Sarah Ruiz who is the Cabinet Member for Education and Children Social Care. Sarah was Labour, then Respect and now Labour again, with a dash of Momentum.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Careful Guys, Big Sister is Watching You.

For those of you who think that a council suffering from severe budget strains; with perhaps the highest child poverty rate in the country; that has had its streets turned into a waste disposal area; and that has one of the highest housing lists in England, might focus its efforts on some of the problems that bedevil its residents, this may come as a surprise.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Unlawful Interference

Our archival gnomes have been at it again. The statutory guidance relating to the relationship between the mayor and executive and the overview and scrutiny functions is clear. (see 11.c.)

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Open Newham Open Newham

“The Only Option….”?

For over a year a short audio recording, purporting to be of a Newham councillor has been doing the rounds.

We have not uplifted this audio recording, though we may. The speaker clearly appears to be saying the following, "you know, the only other option we've got left is to gas them, what Hitler did...".

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Open Newham Open Newham

(More) Uncomradely behaviour

Councillor Mushtaq Hussain Mughal is the Chair of Newham Labour Group. Not one of the best by all accounts. Cllr Moghal is a Momentum member and a neophyte on the council.

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Open Newham Open Newham

Councillor Paul in Hot Water?

Muslim woman councillor quits Labour to escape “Oppression and discrimination” by colleagues. Right’s NEC candidate: “Excellent news”

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