They work for you?
A couple of councillors objected and made their views known, and here we must acknowledge the stand taken by two councillors in particular, Cllrs Gray and McAlmont. They pointed to the illogicality of supposedly independent councillors agreeing to cast their votes without seeing what they were voting for.
The question of Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz taking her own council to court has caused some amusement. We understand that it is being whispered within the council buildings that there is no tribunal case, (which suggests to us, that Fiaz intends to drop the matter), but we are confident in our original assertion.
There was an old adage which went to the effect that Labour knew how to spend money, but not how to use it.
It didn’t take long.
The need to make massive savings did seem to have concentrated the minds of some of those on Newham Council. Amongst the savings they proposed was the reduction or abolition of facility time for trade union reps.
It’s an ill wind that blows no good.
Never truer than at Dockside. For some.
We learn that with the exit of the Director of Housing, the post is being filled by an interim director, at the cost of £650 per day. That’s a cool £170,000 per year before any on-costs.
The October council meeting was remarkable for two reasons.
The first was that it was one of a new type of “themed meeting” in which cabinet members, back benchers and opposition councillors could all contribute in the hope that an open debate and the generation of new ideas might lead to policy improvements.
IN her crusade to reduce the size and the cost of special responsibility allowances, Mayor Fiaz has announced some changes to the cabinet, following Cllr Mohammed’s departure.
The mayor retains the following portfolios.
We have further information on the departure of Cllr S Mohammed.
It seems, it was a resignation, not a sacking.
On Thursday 17th October, Cllr Mohammed attended the meeting of the Labour Group. The mayor had urgent business elsewhere, meeting with a tenants group, so Mohammed was left on his own to defend his actions against some hostility within the Labour Group.
Newham Independents announced on TwiX that they would be submitting an emergency motion to council. Now that the Director of Housing, his assistant director and the cabinet member have resigned, it seems there is only one of the responsible individuals still in post. They have called upon Fiaz to resign.
We can expect some fireworks at the council meeting.
We noted earlier, the remarkable turnover of Chief Execs in Newham; five chief execs in six years.
News has come to Open Newham that Abi Gbago, Newham’s latest chief executive, is now on the search for a way out.
We understand that Cllr Shaban Mohammed is no longer the cabinet member for housing. There is some dispute as to whether he voluntarily stood down because of the humiliation of the housing inspection or whether he was pushed under the bus by Fiaz in an attempt to protect her from criticism prior to the council meeting on Monday 21st October.
The government website announced today (16/10/24), that Newham Housing is not only the worst in the country, but the worst in history!
We reported that Newham were to be the first authority in the country to be awarded the grade C4. That of a failing authority.
Having been assured repeatedly by the mayor, that the council is not in crisis, we learn from the LGC that Newham “will not be able to balance its budget for 2025-26 unless the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government approves an exceptional financial support arrangement.”
We discovered that amongst hundreds of pages of reports, there was one area where Newham were unable to make any savings. Nor did they think that they would be able to make any in the future.
Much of the work of local government is subject to regulation and inspection. Their work is often rather boring to the outsider. Has the council met a particular standard in this or that area? Are they, in the judgement of their peers well run and financially viable.
We previously reported that Newham seemed to be going through Chief Executives at an alarming rate
In the six years since Ms Fiaz became mayor, there have been five Chief Execs. And, breaking news, we might soon have a sixth.
Bless them. GB News have revealed Newham Council’s latest wheeze to cut down on the homelessness figures.
You know that you are living in a Alice-in-Wonderland state, when the same set of council papers both announce that there is a shortfall in the council finances that will require £175m in cuts and sell-offs, and you get motions demanding the additional expenditure of millions of pounds.
The Spectator provided a list of admission numbers to Oxbridge Colleges for the top 80 schools in the country. Three of those 80 are in Newham. There is no other borough in the country that has results that compare with Newham.
Photos from The Recorder report.
The ON report on prostitution and the mayor’s (lack of) response generated some heated correspondence. It is clear that residents, particularly those in Townley Court are not as sanguine about the issue as our political leaders seem to be.
We make no apologies for returning to this subject. The fate of Canning Town Library is symptomatic of the malaise at the heart of the current administration.
The Order, pictured above, is what Newham officers recommended to curb prostitution along the Romford Road. It might be what residents demanded, but it is not what the mayor wanted.
The coroner reported, “Omar Abdi Ahmed died on 20th November 2023 in hospital due to hypothermia. Mr Ahmed, an amputee who received domiciliary care three times a day, was found by carers, unresponsive at home on l5th November 2023.
We learn that Private Eye has become aware that not everything is lovely in the Newham garden.
Readers might wonder why it is that the mayor hasn’t congratulated the London Academy of Excellence and Newham Sixth Form Collegiate. The Times has published the table above which shows that The Collegiate, based on the East Ham Town Hall campus, has achieved outstanding results in ‘A’ Levels with 91.7% achieving A*-B passes. The Academy of Excellence did even better, achieving 92.1%.
The most repeated cause of the current financial crisis, according to the mayor, is the cost of housing people in temporary accommodation. This year, they anticipate overspending by some £22m. There are additional overspends in children’s and adult services, but temporary housing is cited as the major problem.
In a recent Twitter post, Newham Independents have released the text of a letter sent to the mayor.
The revelation that Newham will have to find £175m to balance the books has shaken some councillors. The Independent Group have called on the mayor to be open about the cuts for this year.
Readers will recall that we submitted an FOI to Newham in respect of the mayor’s approach to prostitution and soliciting along parts of the Romford Road.
This is an issue that has caused concern to local residents in an area where, let’s say, there is significant social conservatism. It is known that this has had a detrimental effect on girls and women who live in the area and who find that they are being propositioned.
It seems that several news outlets have taken up the issue of Newham’s pending financial difficulties. This was a matter we broke last week. If anything, the situation is worse than that which the press have picked up. The BBC covered the issue.
The Standard reported that Newham was “hurtling towards bankruptcy”.
We reflected upon the previous election experience of one Sabia Kamali, noting how she had previously fought a local election in Tower Hamlets AGAINST Labour and for Tower Hamlets First, the communitarian party of disgraced former mayor, Lutfur Rahman.
The Runners and Riders in the East Ham Central by-election hurdles are being drawn together.
One of the first things that the Mayor had to do when assuming office, was to sort out her own private office.
We have attached an open letter from Newham People Power.
In it they express their disappointment in the Mayor and in those councillors whom they see as failing them.
Campaigners have targeted those councillors who voted to retain the Fiaz Car-Tax, (emissions-based charges) and noted that Mayor Fiaz needed the votes of some 24 of those who received Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs).
We thought that the revelation last week, that Council Deputy Chair Nazir Ahmed had been suspended over allegations of antisemitism was the last of a line of cases which have bedevilled Newham Council and Newham Labour.
It wasn’t.
Having slammed Tory PM, Boris Johnson for a ‘reckless and irresponsible’ cycle round the Olympic Park, Stratford councillor Josh Garfield got caught out by the Recorder, taking a 30 mile cycle ride.
This report comes from the East London and West Essex Guardian:
A former councillor has been jailed and ordered to pay more than £28,000 back to Redbridge Council after committing electoral fraud.
The Mayor has been heard referring to her Cabinet as a Stellar Team. We think that she means that they are very good.
We’re not sure what they’re good at, so we thought that we’d take a look.
The partner listed for Cllr Mumtaz Khan is a media broadcaster and CEO of ATN Bangla Hafiz Alam Bakhsh. Bakhsh is also a director of HAB Enterprise Ltd which is registered at an address declared by Cllr Khan as belonging to her partner. It is a fair conclusion that Cllr Khan’s partner is Bakhsh.
The teachers of Little Ilford School are on strike, specifically they object to the Town Hall’s plans to expand the school by adding additional pupils.
This is a policy now championed by one Cllr Sarah Ruiz who is the Cabinet Member for Education and Children Social Care. Sarah was Labour, then Respect and now Labour again, with a dash of Momentum.
For those of you who think that a council suffering from severe budget strains; with perhaps the highest child poverty rate in the country; that has had its streets turned into a waste disposal area; and that has one of the highest housing lists in England, might focus its efforts on some of the problems that bedevil its residents, this may come as a surprise.
Our archival gnomes have been at it again. The statutory guidance relating to the relationship between the mayor and executive and the overview and scrutiny functions is clear. (see 11.c.)
For over a year a short audio recording, purporting to be of a Newham councillor has been doing the rounds.
We have not uplifted this audio recording, though we may. The speaker clearly appears to be saying the following, "you know, the only other option we've got left is to gas them, what Hitler did...".
Councillor Mushtaq Hussain Mughal is the Chair of Newham Labour Group. Not one of the best by all accounts. Cllr Moghal is a Momentum member and a neophyte on the council.
Muslim woman councillor quits Labour to escape “Oppression and discrimination” by colleagues. Right’s NEC candidate: “Excellent news”
A list of Newham Councillor Landlords. This list of Multiple Property Owners is taken from the Register of Interests on the LB Newham website.
The ability to look both ways at once is a difficult art, but one that seems to have been mastered by Councillor Terence Paul.
There is just the slightest suggestion that a number of Newham councillors have over-egged their academic history.
Ok. We know that this is not high politics……but we feel that we should investigate the miraculous reappearance Cllr Mas Patel’s hair.
It’s good to see that Newham Labour is doing its bit to rehabilitate offenders.
Back in 2003 Ms Khan was living in Cambridgeshire. By some accident she made a fraudulent housing benefit claim, acquiring over £2000 in benefits whilst she owned a property in London.
The Overview and Scrutiny Commission is a statutory body charged with the independent scrutiny of actions by the executive (the Mayor and Cabinet). As such it should be free from political interference.
Whilst Mayor Fiaz seeks to feather nest her future outside Newham by cosying up to the new Labour leader, Keir Starmer, the legacy of Corbynism continues to infect the local parties.
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named attracted some criticism for the number of people on the Mayoral payroll.
It came as something of a surprise to learn that one of his critics, who happens to be his successor, has herself amassed a substantial payroll vote. Mayor Fiaz, having pledged to cut the cost of the payroll vote, has overseen two pay rises to those lucky councillors who are on it. It’s good to know that the art of hypocrisy is still alive and well.